
An example skill is the UniswapSkill, which allows for interacting with the Uniswap protocol.

The Uniswap skill currently consists of two tools:

  • get_price: Get the price of a token in USD
  • swap: Swap an exact amount of ETH for tokens

The get_price tool can be used to get the price of a token in terms of another token on Uniswap V2. It takes the following parameters:

  • network: The network to query the price on. Can be one of: "ethereum", "arbitrum", or "base"
  • token_in: The address of the token you want to swap from
  • token_out: The address of the token you want to swap to

The tool returns the price as a JSON string containing a "price" field with the numeric price value.

The swap tool can be used to swap tokens on Uniswap V2. It supports three types of swaps:

  • ETH to tokens
  • Tokens to ETH
  • Tokens to tokens

The tool takes the following parameters:

  • network: The network to execute the swap on ("ethereum", "arbitrum", or "base")
  • input_token: The address of the token to swap from. Use None if swapping from ETH
  • output_token: The address of the token to swap to. Use None if swapping to ETH
  • amount_in: The amount of input tokens to swap
  • recipient: The address that will receive the output tokens
  • slippage: The maximum acceptable slippage percentage (e.g. 0.05 for 5%)
  • deadline: Optional Unix timestamp deadline for the swap. If not provided, defaults to 1 minute from now

The tool returns the transaction hash of the executed swap.