Basic Wallet

The SimpleWalletSkill provides basic wallet functionality for managing private keys and addresses. It stores the private key in memory using context variables.

The wallet skill consists of the following tools:

  • create_wallet: Creates a new private key wallet
  • set_private_key: Sets an existing private key
  • get_private_key: Retrieves the current private key
  • clear_private_key: Clears the stored private key
  • get_address: Gets the wallet address for the current private key

The create_wallet tool generates a new private key wallet and stores it in memory. It returns a message containing both the wallet address and private key.

The set_private_key tool allows you to import an existing private key. It takes one parameter:

  • private_key: The private key string to import

The tool returns a success message when the key is set.

The get_private_key tool retrieves the currently stored private key. If no key is set, it returns "No private key set".

The clear_private_key tool removes the stored private key from memory. It returns a confirmation message when complete.

The get_address tool derives and returns the wallet address for the currently stored private key. If no key is set, it returns "No private key set".