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The Message class represents a single message in a conversation, with a role and content. The Role enum defines the possible roles a message can have:

  • Role.user: Messages from the user
  • Role.assistant: Messages from the AI assistant
  • Role.system: System messages that provide instructions/context
  • Role.tool: Messages from tool function calls, this is used internally by the agent to communicate with tools with OpenAI.

A message typically consists of a role and content. The content is the actual message text, while the role indicates who sent the message.

from emp_agents.models import Message, Role

message = Message(role=Role.user, content="hello how are you?")

Creating Conversations#

You can then create a convesation in a few ways. For example, you can construct the conversation history manually:

from emp_agents import AgentBase
from emp_agents.models import Message, Role

agent = AgentBase()
message = Message(role=Role.user, content="hello how are you?")

message = Message(role=Role.assistant, content="I dont want to help you!")

message = Message(role=Role.user, content="Why did you say that?")

response = await agent.run_conversation()

Or you can communicate with the agent using the answer method, which will automatically add the user's message to the conversation history:

agent = AgentBase()
response = await agent.answer("How are you today?")

The other option is to use the run method, which will automatically add the user's message to the conversation history, and run it in interactive mode:

agent = AgentBase()

# to run async

# or to run synchronously